ECTLC Observes the National Day of Payer

ECTLC Observes the National Day of Payer

On Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 10 am, we here at the East County Transitional Living Center acknowledged the National Day of Prayer

On April 21, we were notified and congratulated by the California Association of Nonprofits. Assemblyman Randy Voepel had nominated us as the 2022 California Nonprofit of the Year, and we were awarded that distinction. We can now sign our emails and letters with the award stamp as seen here. We so much appreciate the recognition of all the hard work that the ECTLC staff puts into the communities of San Diego and East County.

There was no lack of issues to be lifted up in Jesus’ Name, and the sounds of traffic and the buzz of the city seemed to fade as the Lord inclined His ear to the cries of His people. 80+ hearts united as one, entering into Heaven’s Throne Room and then storming the Gates of Hell in prayer—it was truly a sight to behold, and the Spirit’s presence overshadowed the entire circle. 

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