Donate Today


Your financial donation helps change a life for good

$25 can provide a single night of care, a hearty meal, hot shower, clean clothes, and a safe night’s rest. Imagine what a greater donation could do.

A single night of feeling cared for can ignite a spark of hope that might have long been gone. Imagine what more nights could do.

Our recovery programs work. Please help as many people stay at ECTLC as possible with your generous gift today.


I Want to Restore Someone’s Faith and Future

We pledge to apply every penny towards helping families and individuals find permanent solutions
100% Secure donation

Other ways to donate

Homeless service providers throughout San Diego County are reporting an increase in demand from people seeking help, causing some to cut back on what they can provide to meet the immediate need.

We need your help now!
Today, you have an opportunity to bring them hope through the hot meals, safe shelter and life-restoring guidance your gift provides at East County Transitional Living Center.

We are currently seeking donations of the following items:

  • Hygiene Products
  • Men’s Work Boots
  • Children’s Bicycles
  • Toothpaste
  • Bath towels
  • Men’s Work Jeans
  • Linens (Twin & Double sizes)
  • Sports Equipment
  • Lego’s Play Sets